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June 17, 2021 1 min read


The Winter Solstice, the darkest night of the year, is coming next Monday, June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It is an important festival for agricultural communities and a sign of winter’s arrival. It’s a symbol of re-starting and a time to reset and reflect.

The Winter Solstice marks the darkness to come, but there is beauty and peace in this darkness, before welcoming the warmth of Spring. 

Starting with the SUNMOONSUN medallion, it symbolises change and the dichotomy of day and night, with the sun rising every morning and the stars filling the void of the night. Not only does the medallion simply represent the day and night, it also represents the shift in the atmosphere between the warm day and cool night.

The Starry Night band, inspired by my love of looking up at the stars at night in my native Melbourne. I grew obsessed with the night sky, and always wanted a telescope as a child. Sadly, Santa never brought me one. 

My shooting star earrings represent wish-making, fortune and change in your life, perfect for an ever-changing time during the Solstice. Stars help those seeking guidance, with the North Star being the star for adventurers, leading the way to new experiences. 

The moon represents creativity and wisdom, the sole, enchanting light in the sky. A highly feminine symbol, the moon also connotes inner knowledge, often symbolised by pearls also known as the ‘teardrops of the moon.’

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Stay warm and much love,

x Hayley x Serpent & the Swan x

Hayley Smith
Hayley Smith

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