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INTRODUCING SWAN STORIES & our very first Swan - Alys Hale

August 04, 2021 2 min read

INTRODUCING SWAN STORIES & our very first Swan - Alys Hale

I have always been fascinated with the people that purchase my jewellery that I make with my hands. What motivates them to spend their hard earned money on something I have wished up. What’s their story? How do you wear my pieces?

For our inaugural edition, I have asked my dear friend Alys Hale to be our very first Swan! Hailing from Cambridge, Alys is a special projects editor at Russh magazine, a model with IMG and a freelance Art Director. She has also been known to pretend to play angsty romantic music on occasion. I asked her some questions about her.

Was your piece a gift from someone or from yourself?
My beautiful 'birthstone large heart padlock' earring was a birthday gift from Hayley Smith. It is deeply sentimental to me, being made by my friend and having a blue sapphire set within. Sapphires are my birthstone but also the stones set within my mother's wedding ring so I have always loved them since I was a little girl.

What inspires and motivates you?
I'm inspired by the artists and creators in my life. I'm fortunate to have deeply talented friends who make music, teach, take photographs, write and study. Their constant achievements and successes make me want to be a better person and conversations with them make me think differently about my own writing.

Fast Five:

What can’t you live without?
Baths, books, a constant cinematic life soundtrack and a sturdy pair of boots.

What’s your favourite thing to do?
Be secretly romantic.
Words to live by?

Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Always be brave verging on reckless with your heart, it makes for better stories.

What 3 things are most important to you right now?
Staying in touch with those I love during lockdown, staying warm as I beg spring to hurry up, and collecting weird artefacts for my home.

Hope you enjoyed that, I will be creating these Swan Stories monthly.

If you would like to be featured I would love to hear from you! Email me on info@serpentandtheswan.com

Stay safe & sane

x Hayley x Serpent & the Swan x Jewellery with HEART x

Hayley Smith
Hayley Smith

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