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We have moved!

March 29, 2023 1 min read

We have moved!

I’m happy to announce that Serpent and the Swan has moved again, still within the thriving creative community in the Inner West, but now in Stanmore! We’ve set up in an old Ginger Beer Factory, in a cosy loft just around the corner from King Street, at Studio 7/43-53 Bridge Rd, Stanmore, NSW

Some of you might be wondering. Hayley, didn’t you just move? And the answer is yes, but now we are happy in our new space, hopefully for a longer time. Not only has my workspace expanded, but I have also been able to dedicate a space for Forever Forged, complete with a dedicated lounging area for you and your guests. Gone are the white walls and replaced with beautiful exposed brick and black walls, complete with a magnetic wall for fresh new ideas and designs.

The space doubles as a showroom and while it is quite different from my old space, I feel like it matches my creative style more than the old studio.I love that it is more suited to my creative style but there are also other artists in the same area to meet and collaborate with, like my new neighbour Jocelyn, the master perfumer behind Cult of Scent, concocting the most amazing fragrances and aromas from her atelier. 

I am excited for new projects and I can’t wait to meet all of you here in my new studio. Who doesn’t like moving, am I right?

Thank you, and see you soon!

Much love,

Hayley x

Hayley Smith
Hayley Smith

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